November Breeze
Greetings MOAS Member!!
Attached is your November 2018 issue of the MOAS monthly newsletter, The Sarasota Breeze, as well as a separate Reservation Form for you to use when making your reservation for the November Luncheon on Friday November 16, 2018 at Michael's on East.
Our November luncheon speakers will be Homes For Our Troops Core Ambassadors, Deb Kehoe & Kathy Skelton, who will describe for us what their great organization has been doing to build specially designed homes for disabled military veterans and their families and the life-changing impact of what they do! We hope you can make it!!
But, more importantly, our November luncheon is our Annual Business Meeting when you officially elect our 2019 MOAS Chapter Officers and Directors, whom our Nominating Committee, ably led by Craig Hullinger, has selected and our Board has approved as nominations for your consideration. You will find the BIO's of these nominees on pages 14-15 of this newsletter along with a summary of some needed bylaws changes, approved by the Board, also for your consideration. So we welcome your participation in our electoral and approval process, required by our bylaws. More on this later as we approach the date!!And, don't forget the November Meet & Greet, at our usual Marina Jack's place, this time from 5-7PM to take better advantage of Happy Hour pricing.
As usual, we hope you enjoy this issue—and ask that you let us know if you have any suggestions for future issues.
Thanks and have a great, hurricane-free Sarasota November, almost out of the woods for this year!!
Finally, PLEASE VOTE!! IT'S IMPORTANT!!Thanks for your support! Your editorial staff!!
Click to read the Breeze!
MOAS Links
Connect with us on our MOAA Sarasota Radio Nets (Social Media) We can read you loud and clear.
Send us your military story and we will publish at:
Connect with us on our MOAA Sarasota Radio Nets (Social Media) We can read you loud and clear.
Send us your military story and we will publish at:
This site and our other Social Media sites are maintained by Colonel Craig Hullinger Marine Retired. If you would like to share notices of events, stories, or photos please email them and we will post them to this blog.
And if you are on Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Google+, or Twitter please join us and participate.
Craig Hullinger cell 309 634 5557
National MOAA
Learn about the Military Officers Association of America at:
BECOME AN MOAA FACEBOOK FANKeep in touch with MOAA every day on Facebook! Become a fan today and get some of your favorite MOAA highlights where you do your networking with friends. You can even keep up with military spouses on the MOAA Spouse page. Already have an account? Just sign in. If you don't, it's easy to create one and get started today! | |
FOLLOW MOAA ON TWITTER@MilitaryOfficer for general MOAA information about the latest military offers, health care news, and other service-related information @MOAA_MilLife for the latest on everything pertaining to military spouses and families @MOAAPrez for insights coming out of MOAA's front office via Lt. Gen. Dana Atkins, USAF (Ret). | |
WATCH THE MOAA CHANNEL ON YOUTUBESubscribe to the MOAA channel on YouTube to see our latest videos! Watch video previews and highlights from our symposia; you can even catch the MOAA commercial airing on the Military channel! | |
GET LINKEDIN WITH MOAAMOAA has a career networking group on the professional networking site LinkedIn. Join the group today and stay current in your job search- find old colleagues and meet new ones! It's easy and it's free to use. |
Florida MOAA Communique
Read the Florida Council Communique at:
Issues prior to 2011 have been archived and are available upon request by email to webmaster.
Military Stories
We are collecting stories by and about military personnel. The stories will be posted on:
If you would like to have your story published email your story to Craig Hullinger at:
Your story can be long or short. The story can cover an interesting event or your entire life. You can write about yourself or a friend or relative that you would like to honor. It can be funny or serious.
Pictures are worth a thousand words. You can write the story for a relative, friend, or ancestor. You can add to your story. We look forward to publishing your story on the blog.
Take a look at the stories to see what people have already written. There is a link on our MOAA blog to the stories:
Your story can be long or short. The story can cover an interesting event or your entire life. You can write about yourself or a friend or relative that you would like to honor. It can be funny or serious.
Pictures are worth a thousand words. You can write the story for a relative, friend, or ancestor. You can add to your story. We look forward to publishing your story on the blog.
Take a look at the stories to see what people have already written. There is a link on our MOAA blog to the stories:
Look for our MOAA Emblem.
Thank you for your stories.
10 October Oktoberfest at Gold Coast Eagle Distributing
A great time was had by all at our Octoberfest. Our thanks to our host, Colonel John Saputo, Marine, Retired at the Gold Coast Eagle Distributing.
Click for more photos
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