November Breeze

Greetings MOAS Member!!

Attached is your November 2018 issue of the MOAS monthly newsletter, The Sarasota Breeze, as well as a separate Reservation Form for you to use when making your reservation for the November Luncheon on Friday November 16, 2018 at Michael's on East.  

Our November luncheon speakers will be Homes For Our Troops Core Ambassadors, Deb Kehoe & Kathy Skelton, who will describe for us what their great organization has been doing to build specially designed homes for disabled military veterans and their families and the life-changing impact of what they do! We hope you can make it!! 

But, more importantly, our November luncheon is our Annual Business Meeting when you officially elect our 2019 MOAS Chapter Officers and Directors, whom our Nominating Committee, ably led by Craig Hullinger, has selected and our Board has approved as nominations for your consideration. You will find the BIO's of these nominees on pages 14-15 of this newsletter along with a summary of some needed bylaws changes, approved by the Board, also for your consideration. So we welcome your participation in our electoral and approval process, required by our bylaws. More on this later as we approach the date!!And, don't forget the November Meet & Greet, at our usual Marina Jack's place, this time from 5-7PM to take better advantage of Happy Hour pricing.

As usual, we hope you enjoy this issue—and ask that you let us know if you have any suggestions for future issues.

Thanks and have a great, hurricane-free Sarasota November, almost out of the woods for this year!! 

Finally, PLEASE VOTE!! IT'S IMPORTANT!!Thanks for your support! Your editorial staff!!

Click to read the Breeze!

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