June 2019 Breeze

Greetings, Dear MOAS Member!!

Attached is your June 2019 issue of the MOAS monthly newsletter, The Sarasota Breeze, as well as a separate, new Reservation Form for you to use when making your reservation for the MOAS monthly luncheon on Friday, June 21, 2019, at the Bird Key Yacht Club

We would alert you that our upcoming monthly event is on the 3rd Friday of this month, the 21st, and features William E. Battle Capt USN (Ret), Field Intelligence Officer Dept. of Homeland Security/TSA, who is a career intelligence officer with various Federal government agencies and who has been assigned to the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Director of Naval Intelligence, US Central Command, US Special Operations Command, having served in Italy, Korea, Colombia, Panama, and the Middle East. He will give us some informed perspective as to "What We Are/ What We Do/ How We Do It!!" Looking forward to your being here. Thanks for your support!!As usual, we hope you enjoy this issue, edited by Peggy O'Connell and produced by Caitlin Bolton. Please let us know if you have any suggestions for future issues.

Thanks for your support!! 
Make it a great week!!

Your Breeze Editorial Staff!!

Click to read the Breeze

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