March Breeze

Greetings, Again, Dear MOAS Member!!Please pardon the delayed delivery! Attached is your March 2019 issue of the MOAS monthly newsletter, The Sarasota Breeze, as well as a separate, new Reservation Form for you to use when making your reservation for the March Luncheon on Friday, March 22, 2019, at the Bird Key Yacht Club

We would alert you that our upcoming March 2019 monthly luncheon is on the 4th Friday of this month, the 22nd, and features the former Officer-In-Charge in Iraq of the first Forward Resuscitative Surgical System Team, the "Devil Docs", Dr. Miguel Cubano, CAPT, USN, who will share his expertise and incredible experience in mass casualty management during disasters.  We hope you can make it!!

Also, we are now approaching our annual MOAA "Storming The Hill" event on 10 April, an event that highlights and culminates the MOAA mission, military veteran advocacy, by bringing together the ultimate political defense force for the U. S. All Volunteer Defense Force. On that date the MOAA leadership team, some 150 "Never Stop Serving" veteran military officers, will swarm every U. S. Congressman and Senator on Capitol Hill. Their reception depends on you and what you do between now and then!!

Yes, here is where you can make a difference by going out to this link, your MOAA Legislative Action Center, which is free to everyone, and send your messages, so that when MOAA knocks on their door, they will open it and they will listen and they will VOTE, because you said, "JUST DO IT!!"Finally, if you have not yet paid your 2019 chapter dues, please do so at your earliest convenience. And for those of you who have, Thank You So Much!!

As usual, we hope you enjoy this issue. Please let us know if you have any suggestions for future issues.

Thanks for your support!! Make it a great day!!

Your Breeze Editorial Staff!!

Click the Ling Beloiw to read the Breeze 

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