Calendar and The Breeze June 2015

Dear Member

Click on the link below to read the June 2016 issue of the MOAS monthly newsletter, The Sarasota Breeze, as well as a separate Program/Menu/Reservation Form for you to use when making your reservation for the June Luncheon on June 17 at Michael’s on East.

The June Luncheon program will feature Olivia Swaan, Irish harpist, singer and story-teller.  We will also be introducing the two MOAS scholarship winners who were unable to attend the May luncheon.

Looking forward to seeing you all there!!!!

Other upcoming events to put on your calendar::

  • 30 May – Memorial Day Parade – Support Our Troops box distribution
  • 12 June — Flag Day program at Patriot Plaza -- “You’re A Grand Old Flag” ---6:00PM

As usual, we hope you enjoy this issue—and ask that you let us know if you have any suggestions for future issues.

Thank you
Len Friedlander

Click to Read the Breeze

Click to View the Luncheon Reservation Form

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