Tuesday August 4th

Spontaneous Sunset Gathering
Siesta Key Beach Park
On Tuesday August 4th, the YAHOOs will celebrate why they enjoy SW Florida by gathering on the beach at the north end of the Siesta Key Beach Park to watch the sunset and share stories of February. This event is characterized as “spontaneous” since there is no plan and no RSVP. Come as you are, and bring your own grog, food and chairs – just show up.
Dear MOAS Member,
I have been requested to pass the word to our MOAS Members about the upcoming YAHOO Spontaneous Sunset Gathering @ Siesta Key Beach Park on August 4.
Carol and I went to Siesta Beach last week and found the North parking lot closed due to major Siesta Beach construction, and we will not be able to assemble at the northern part of Siesta Key Beach Park as we have done for several years.
However, we can do an “about face” and assembly at the southern part of Siesta Beach Park. Parking is easy in the newly serviced southern parking lot.
No matter where you come from when you get to Siesta Beach you will be on Beach Road. Use either of the two parking entries marked BEACH PARKING. Once parked head to the new two-story Siesta Beach Concession stand, and follow the walkway to the beach. Once on the beach look to your left, (which is South for the Navy). We will have an American flag marking our gathering place. Everything else in our previous announcement applies:
The O’Briens will be on station by 1830 hrs. The sun sets at 2016 hrs (8:16PM) so you will want to arrive in plenty of time to socialize before the sunset.
Special Note: No glass containers are allowed on the beach – only plastic and cans and note the beach is smoke free.
Please call John and Carol O’Brien at (941) 907-8891 if you have any questions.
See? No Plan!!!! Why Plan, When You Can React?