Social Marketing Report

Spread the Word
Social Marketing Report
Military Officers Association Sarasota Chapter
Jan 14, 2015

We continue to build our social marketing effort with MOAS. Our efforts start with the blog where we post notices and photos of activities. We also publish to our Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Pinterest Site.  If you are active on any of those systems please friend or link with us and contribute content to the site.  We are always interested in content or photos so email them to me and I will post them. Or you can post directly to our Facebook or LinkedIn pages.  The addresses are listed below:

Web Site        

National MOAA has a similar social marketing effort. Their addresses can be found in the left column of our bog. They maintain a video channel.


Social marketing is a free way to get out the word. It is growing rapidly, especially with younger officers. Please help us to build the content on these systems.

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